Sales Closing Techniques

Selling Skills Article Series

Closing is the process of helping people make a purchase decision that will benefit them. Salesmen help people make that decision by asking them to buy.

Closing a Sale

Closing is the process of helping people make a purchase decision that will benefit them. Salesmen help people make that decision by asking them to buy.

The very fact that a prospect is meeting a seller and having a conversation with him means the prospect has an interest to buy the product. Hence many times the prospect may be ready to make the buying decision very early in the meeting.

When to Try to Close the Sale

The simple answer is when the prospect is ready. To decide the point when the prospect is ready, salesmen have to observe for buy signals or willing-to-buy signals from the prospect.

Buy Signals

A buying signal or buy signal or willing-to-buy signal refers to anything prospects say or do to indicate that they are ready to buy.

Some of them are:

Prospect asks questions regarding price and delivery dates.

Prospect asks the opinions of others.

Prospect relaxes and becomes friendly.

Prospect pulls out the purchase order form.

Prospect looks carefully the product on offer

Closing Techniques

Alternative choice close

Assumptive close

Compliment close

Summary of benefits close

Continuous yes close

Minor points close

T-account or balance sheet close

Standing-room-only close

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