Globalization and Technology - Impact on OB - Review Notes

The impact of information technology on organizations is truly amazing and it is further going on without an end in sight.


Globalization is also impacting the organizational behavior. Understanding behavior of formal organization members in a global organization needs more theory than what is developed so far in OB that has emphasis on one country business.

The top 100 global companies employ more than 6 million foreign nationals. Companies complain that they are short of people with global leadership capabilities.


Culture can be defined as the acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and generate social behavior.

Differences among cultures

How people see themselves

People's relation to their world

Individualism versus collectivism

The time dimension

Public versus private space

Hofstede's Framework of Culture Differences

Trompenaars's Framework of Culture Differences

Persons working in global companies have to be given more inputs in multi-cultural practices to quickly adjust to the culture in various countries they may visit in short periods of time in fulfilling the job responsibility and interacting with colleagues and partners of the organization in those countries.

A brief on recent research project on Global leader ship issues is available at

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