Cost Leadership Competitive Strategy

In general, a firm has a competitive advantage when it is able to create more economic value than rival firms. Economic value is simply the difference between the perceived benefits gained by a customer that purchases a firm's products or services and the full economic cost of these products or services. (Barney and Hester, Page 11)

How a firm can create competitive advantage?

A firm can keep its cost same as the competitor, but can increase the benefits gained by a customer by enhancing the product benefits.

The other alternative is to keep the product benefit similar to the competitors, but reduce the cost of production and distribution operations.

Porter says, a company has to make a strategic choice between the two, he means that to be successful with any of these choices, the company has to spend significant amount of time in identifying and developing innovative solutions that support the strategic choice and both can't be pursued by a single business unit.

Who are the cost leaders in various industries.

Ryanair, Southwest Airlines
Walmart in retail sales
Timex and Casino in watches
BIC in disposable pen and razor market
Hyundai in automobile
Tata Steel in steel industry
Many cement plants
RBC Bearings

Sources of Cost Advantage

1. Size and economies of scale
2. Size and diseconomies of scale
3. Experience difference and learning-economies
4. Access to low-cost resources
5. Technological advantages independent of scale
6. Policy choices

Management controls in implementing cost leadership

Management controls imply plans, measurements and control actions.

Cost leadership firms are characterized by very tight cost-control systems. It means, there is detailed planning, frequent measurement of actual costs, and control actions to come out with more detailed plans to achieve cost targets or replanning the higher level plans to reach the still higher level plans. Control action could imply, more experienced managers take over the responsibility of an activity that is behind target.

Target achievement is provided incentives. Failure to achieve plans and targets is noticed and disincentives are in place to minimize them. Managers who fail to achieve targets can't have a long career.

Management Theory and Practice - Bulletin Board - August 2012


Usain Bolt explaining his mission success in London 2012 Olympics to IMD B-School people.

The editors of MIT Sloan Management Review are pleased to announce the winners of this year’s Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize: Rob Cross, Peter Gray, Shirley Cunningham, Mark Showers and Robert J. Thomas for their Fall 2010 article “The Collaborative Organization: How to Make Employee Networks Really Work.” In the article, the authors discussed how the most effective organizations make smart use of employee networks to reduce costs, improve efficiency and spur innovation.
Article available for free access for some days.


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